Connecting your website blog posts to LinkedIn Articles can help boost visibility and drive traffic to your site. However, you need to avoid SEO issues, especially those related to duplicate content. Here’s how you can effectively link your blog posts to LinkedIn Articles without harming your SEO:

Understanding Duplicate Content

Duplicate content is when there are large chunks of identical or very similar content on different pages or websites. Google may have trouble deciding which version to rank higher, which can hurt the visibility of both versions. To avoid this, follow these tips:

Strategies to Avoid Duplicate Content Penalties

1. Summary with a Link Back:

Instead of posting the entire blog post on LinkedIn, write a summary or excerpt. Include a call-to-action (CTA) that encourages readers to visit your website to read the full article.

In our latest blog post, we explore the top 10 SEO strategies for 2024. Read the full article [here](link to your website).

2. Use Canonical Tags:

If you want to republish the entire article on LinkedIn, use a canonical tag on your website’s original blog post. This tag tells search engines that the original version is on your website.

In the HTML of your original blog post, add: <link rel=”canonical” href=”” />

3. Cross-Linking:

Connect related content between LinkedIn and your website by including links to other related articles on your site in your LinkedIn posts.

“Check out our other articles on SEO: [link to another blog post on your website].”

4. Different Formats:

Present the same content in different formats. For example, write a detailed blog post on your website and create an infographic or video summarizing the key points for LinkedIn.

Create a video summary of your blog post and share it on LinkedIn with a link to the full article.

5. Time Delay:

Publish the original content on your website first, then wait a few weeks or months before republishing it on LinkedIn. This gives Google time to index the original content on your site first.

Publish your blog post on your website today and then share it on LinkedIn a month later.

6. Slight Variations:

If you want to share the full content on LinkedIn, rewrite parts of it to create a unique version. Change the introduction, conclusion, and some of the content while keeping the core message the same.

Rewrite the introduction and conclusion and adjust the phrasing of some paragraphs before publishing on LinkedIn.

Best Practices for Linking Blog Posts to LinkedIn

1. Include Links in Articles:

Whether you’re summarizing or republishing content, always include a clear link back to the original blog post on your website. This drives traffic and signals to search engines where the original content is.

2. Use Engaging Visuals:

Incorporate images, videos, and other visuals in your LinkedIn articles to make them more engaging. Visual content tends to attract more engagement, leading to increased traffic to your website.

3. Leverage LinkedIn Analytics:

Monitor the performance of your LinkedIn articles using LinkedIn’s analytics tools. Track metrics such as views, likes, comments, and shares to understand what content resonates with your audience and refine your strategy accordingly.

4. Engage with Readers:

Respond to comments and engage with readers on LinkedIn. Building relationships with your audience can increase the likelihood of them visiting your website for more content.


By thoughtfully connecting your website blog posts to LinkedIn articles, you can enhance your content’s visibility and drive traffic without incurring duplicate content penalties. The key is to create a strategy that balances the benefits of both platforms while following SEO best practices. Whether you’re summarizing content, using canonical tags, or varying the format, maintaining originality and providing value to your audience should always be the primary focus.